

        This lovely white Lisianthus bouquet is the ideal flower bouquet for any occasion. This flower bouquet is available for same-day flower delivery; gift it to friends and family or treat yourself; it will make a lovely centrepiece in any house. This flower bouquet is perfect for those special birthdays or milestone anniversaries, and it's sure to please when you're invited to someone's house for dinner.

        Not rated yet
        • $49.00
        • 245   – Reward points
        In stock(5 items available)
        • Popular Add-Ons

          At Darling Buds of Annandale, we strive to enhance your floral experience by offering a variety of popular add-ons. These additional options complement our exquisite flower arrangements and allow you to personalize your gift or create a truly memorable occasion. Explore our selection of popular add-ons.

          • SKU
        • Glass Vase
          Without Glass Vase, Add Glass Vase
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